Saturday 31 August 2013

Summer Scorcher!

What an excellent summer we've had - the best since 2006 according to the Met Office. It has triggered huge increase in buying activity with almost half of the stock list being sold and changing hands over the past 3 months. This makes up for the unusually quiet months of the year from January to May where figures were significantly down on last year. This just goes to show how weather-dependent the boat selling business is. With such a lot of recent sales we're keen to take on new listings so please spread the word if you know of other owners looking to sell.

We're still finding the number of walk-in buyers is low, with most buyers making appointments and travelling from a distance, having first spent time scrutinising details & photos of the boat on the internet. Some boats are sold purely on the basis of the online details to foreign buyers who don't come to view at all. This highlights the importance of getting the internet content accurate for each boat and we try very hard at all times to make sure the information is accurate and the pictures are representative.